What a disaster this senile old man has gotten us into.

While our economy is in the gutter...

And our debt is on track to surpass 50 trillion...1

Our decrepit leader has given 10,000,000,000 to Iran — Hamas’ closest affiliate.2

Which means, the Biden administration is fueling this conflict.

But why?

According to a former CIA officer, it has nothing to do with oil or control.

It’s far worse.

And it could have a huge impact on you and everyone you know.

This whole situation is a diversion, carefully orchestrated by Biden and his political constituents.

They don’t want folks to know about this sinister plot against Americans.

It’s happening right under our nose.

And we’re letting it slide.

This could have devastating consequences on our rights.

Watch this before 9pm tonight.

Talk soon and God bless,

Pro Gun Paul

Fight for freedom!

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