Radiashield (Jihad)

You probably saw that Hamas just announced Jihad on the west.

And it looks like we’re just days away from their large-scale, brutal strike on the USA.

See, Hamas ain’t too pleased with the way Biden’s handling stuff in the Middle East…

And they want to punish everyday Americans like you and me.

Even though we’ve got nothing to do with this crap. 

Listen, these blood-thirsty terrorists ain’t just blowing hot air….

Hamas has got one extremely dangerous supporter on their side: 


And according to the latest intelligence… 

The nation is just 3 weeks away from having working nukes.​1*

Which means we’re just 3 weeks away from watching bombshells rain in our backyards. 

And this ain’t some baseless prediction. 

Just days ago, Biden warned his inner circle of an upcoming “Armageddon”... 

And the gov’t has told officials to do one single thing to prepare themselves.

It’s something most Americans haven’t ever heard of. 

But it takes just 1 minute. 

And if you make this preparation yourself… 

It could literally protect your loved ones from an early grave. 

Talk soon and God bless,

Pro Gun Paul

Fight for freedom!

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